Manajemen Sistem Informasi Korporat – 3
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IT and organization
16 Februari 2009
Week 3
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Organisasi di zaman industrial: kompleks tapi stabil
Organisasi di zaman network: semuanya dapat melakukan apapun
Pertanyaannya: seperti apa organisasi di masa mendatang?
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Organization models
If the old model of organization was the large, hierarchical organization, the new model that is considered characteristics of the new competition is a network of lateral and horizontal interlinkages within and among firms, (Nohria & Eccles)
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baca buku: who said elephant can’t dance? – lon gerstner
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Learning from mistakes
- Speed counts, but not at the expense of control:
- The faster the pace, the greater the need to monitor business operations and clearly define and enforce the rule of the road
- Empowerment is not anarchy
- Transforming organization require more than just changing the structure
> Semakin cepat bisnis kita, semakin lost control.
> Empowerment bukan menambah jam kerja, tapi menambah kemampuan untuk mengambil keputusan (otonom)
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Redefining organization/management control system
- Balancing between operation and management process
- Shortening the business cycle requires streamline, integrating, and synchronizing operating and management process
(lihat halaman 67)
Control -> business cycle -> contoh: 2 bulan lagi kita berkumpul untuk membahas masalah
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Organizing for innovation and execution
- System thinking demands good understanding of the casual relationships between individual components of a system and the whole. This helps management to view/make change in a holistic manner not in a segmented manner
- And based on this understanding the casual relationship between individual components, one can evaluate the system performance against accomplishing goals
- A learning model is founded on deep understanding of the operating process
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Menyediakan fasilitas teknologi untuk mempercepat proses learning organization
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Redefining authority system
- From hierarchy to on demand enterprise
- Problem with hierarchy
- Access to relevant information
- On demand:
- Flattening and elevating information access curve
- Collaborating in structure, culture, authority, etc
- High information iteracy
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2 Komentar
ehm… udah ok bro. cuman tolong penjelasannya ditambah gitu….
Bambang Warsuta
nah itu dia… kita disini comment buat ngasih penjelasan…
ya mari kita pelajari dan buat penjelasan yang penting2…