Manajemen Sistem Informasi Korporat – 2
Slide 1
IT and corporate/business strategy
9 Februari 2009
Week 2
Slide 2
Paradigma ekonomi industrial dan network (sama dengan slide 8 – week 1)
Slide 3
Business partnership (sama dengan slide 9 – week 1)
Slide 4
Envolving business model (sama dengan slide 10 – week 1)
Slide 5
Business model (sama dengan slide 11 – week 1)
Slide 6
Slide 7
Pertanyaan IT Role di ekonomi ‘network’ (sama dengan slide 12 – week 1)
Slide 8
Conducting strategy unit
- Strategic positions are the result of choices/decisions in four areas in porter’s model for analyzing competitive forces and strategic positioning:
- Market/Channel positioning: knowing what customers want
- Product positioning: knowing what product to offer and prices to charge customers
- Value chain / value network positioning: knowing what role an organization plays and activities it performs within the extended network of suppliers, producers, distributors and partners
- Boundary positioning: knowing what markets, products, and business and organization will not pursue
Slide 9
Slide 10
Slide 11
Slide 12
Slide 13
Assessing IT impact and alignment
- The ability to achieve among the environment, strategy, and capabilities in central to creating a successful business model that delivers value to all stakeholders
- Recently IT become an important tool for defining new strategic opportunities and building the capabilities needed to execute them
Slide 17