Manajemen Sistem Informasi Korporat – 1
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Copprate information system management
Week 1 (2 Februari 2009)
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How IT change your business model? –> contoh:
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Studi kasus: LI & FUNG
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LI & FUNG’s business paradigm
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Big question: does IS/IT align to your business strategy? HOW?
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Opposing views of IT function
· Business executive view of IT
o Apprehensive
o Technocracy
o New feature focus
o Little relevance to real world
· IT executive views of business
o Short-sighted
o Lacking in vsion
o Unwilling to exploit IT
Increasing complex IT, rapidly changing economy
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Paradigma ekonomi industrial dan network
- Industrial
- Organisasi birokratik (max weber –> theory of organization)
- Strategic positioning business strategy (Michael porter strategy)
- Vertically integrated firms
- Network
- Organization boundaries are becoming fluid (Kenichi Ohmae’s paradigm)
- Relationships are increasingly based less-structured
- Virtually integrated firms / industriesIndustry changes rapidly (D’Aveni hypercompetition theory)
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Envolving business models
- Component of business model
- CONCEPT: describe the opportunity and strategy
- VALUE: measures the benefits
- CAPABILITIES : define resources needed to execute strategy
- Relatively clear and steady business model
- Easy to define business model
- Somehow, it is quite difficult to define a clear business model
- Business model should be explained in detail way
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Business model
- A business model defines how an enterprise interacts with the environment to define a unique strategy to create value for all stakeholders and the business
- A business model guides and assist management in the process of strategy formulation
- A successful business model aligns an organization with its environment well
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Pertanyaan IT Role di ekonomi ‘network’
- dapatkah IT mengubah basis kompetisi?
- dapatkah IT mengubah hubungan yang natural dan keseimbangan kekuatan antara penjual dan penyedia (supplier)
- Can IT build or reduce barriers to entry?
- Can IT increase or decrease switching costs?
- can IT add value to existing products and services or create new ones?
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Poin-poin penting dari materi ini.
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2 Komentar
Ardi Nugroho
very good. selalu saya ikuti blog ini… menarik
mmmm… UTS ma UASnya mana yah… :hammer: