Manajemen Informasi Koporat

Manajemen Sistem Informasi Korporat – 1

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Copprate information system management
Week 1 (2 Februari 2009)

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How IT change your business model? –> contoh:

Slide 3
Studi kasus: LI & FUNG

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LI & FUNG’s business paradigm


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Big question: does IS/IT align to your business strategy? HOW?

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Opposing views of IT function

· Business executive view of IT

o Apprehensive

o Technocracy

o New feature focus

o Little relevance to real world

· IT executive views of business

o Short-sighted

o Lacking in vsion

o Unwilling to exploit IT

Increasing complex IT, rapidly changing economy

Slide 8
Paradigma ekonomi industrial dan network

  • Industrial
    • Organisasi birokratik (max weber –> theory of organization)
    • Strategic positioning business strategy (Michael porter strategy)
    • Vertically integrated firms
  • Network
    • Organization boundaries are becoming fluid (Kenichi Ohmae’s paradigm)
    • Relationships are increasingly based less-structured
    • Virtually integrated firms / industriesIndustry changes rapidly (D’Aveni hypercompetition theory)

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Business partnership

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Envolving business models

  • Component of business model
    • CONCEPT: describe the opportunity and strategy
    • VALUE: measures the benefits
    • CAPABILITIES : define resources needed to execute strategy
    • Relatively clear and steady business model
    • Easy to define business model
    • Somehow, it is quite difficult to define a clear business model
    • Business model should be explained in detail way

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Business model

  • A business model defines how an enterprise interacts with the environment to define a unique strategy to create value for all stakeholders and the business
  • A business model guides and assist management in the process of strategy formulation
  • A successful business model aligns an organization with its environment well

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Pertanyaan IT Role di ekonomi ‘network’

  1. dapatkah IT mengubah basis kompetisi?
  2. dapatkah IT mengubah hubungan yang natural dan keseimbangan kekuatan antara penjual dan penyedia (supplier)
  3. Can IT build or reduce barriers to entry?
  4. Can IT increase or decrease switching costs?
  5. can IT add value to existing products and services or create new ones?

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Poin-poin penting dari materi ini.

Slide 14

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